चावल की करारी चकली I Chakli Recipes I Instant Chakli Recipe I Rice Maida...


INGREDIENTS : * RICE FLOUR 1 CUP * MAIDA 1/2 CUP * SESAME SEED 1 TSP * RED CHILI POWDER 1/2 TSP * HALDI 1/4 TSP * HEENG 1/2 TSP * SALT AS PER TASTE * GHEE OR BUTTER 1 TSP * OIL FOR FRYING - PROCEDURE : Dear friends This channel is dedicated to vegetarian food only. Here ingredients used are mostly home available and Bhawana jaiswal mam explain the recipe in such easy way that a layman can understand the things. Hope you all will also enjoy the recipe of this channel very easily and covey the same to your nearby and friends . 10 मिनट में बाजार जैसी इन्सटैंट क्रिस्पी करारी चकली Chakli या Murukku इस विडियो से आप बना सकते है जो परिवार के हर सदस्य को बहुत पसंदआएगी, अगर रेसिपी पसंद आये तो लाइक और शेयर जरूर करे और पहली बार इस चैनल को देख रहे है तो सब्सक्राइब करना न भूले I #bhajanichaklirecipeinmarathi, #bhajanichichakli ,#chakli , #chaklirecipeinhindi, #chaklirecipe, #binabhajnichaklirecipe, #chaklibhajnipeeth, #cookwithbhawana, #diwalirecipes, #diwalirecipe , , #चकलीभाजणीपीठ, #चकली, #चकलीरेसिपी, #bhawanajaiswalrecipe, Few Recipes : IMLI KI CHUTNEY - https://youtu.be/iRCnC7Jhi9E JALEBI - https://youtu.be/I-JNrB4XKA0 SUJI KE GULAB JAMUN - https://youtu.be/gTFnVOX_znY APPAM DHOKLA -https://youtu.be/Ly6306PixeI CHOCOLATE BISCUIT CAKE - https://youtu.be/Y4PnfLkOxio GOL GAPPE - https://youtu.be/W1PHxeLgaAg DAL MAKHANI - https://youtu.be/Zhd7nu3RG0E KADHAI DHOKLA -https://youtu.be/bupQEcp22w4 NYLON SEV - https://youtu.be/GldHcjvQC6U MALAI KE LADDU - https://youtu.be/MbTYRSY4BKc Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/bhawanajaisw... Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bhawanajaisw... YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/bhawanajaiswal... If you have enjoyed watching this video & want me to make more such videos than don't forget to Like &Share it with your friends and family. Thanks for watching eagerly.


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