सॉफ्ट बेसन उत्तपम बनाने का सही तरीका I Besan Uttapam Nasta ki Recipe I E...
Today I am going to share सॉफ्ट बेसन उत्तपम recipe. I will make it in tava . It is available in our home. So there is no need of extra utensils to make this Besan uttapam. If you will follow this Besan uttapam recipe, I am sure you will have one of the yummiest Besan Uttapam ever you have tasted. #quickuttapamrecipe , #besanuttapam , #snacksrecipe , #MorningNastaRecipebyBhawana , #BreakfastRecipebyBhawanajaiswal , #bhawanajaiswalrecipe , #breakfastrecipe #nashtarecipe #uttapam , #uttapamrecipe , #besanuttapamrecipe besan uttapam , besan ka uttapam , uttapam recipe fatafat nasta recipe ,uttapam by bhawana jaiswal , Bhawana Jaiswal Recipe , instant uttapam recipe , uttapam recipe in hindi , south indian nasta ,onion uttapam , uttapam banane ki vidhi , how to make uttapam ,masala uttapam recipe ,vegetable uthappam ,सॉफ्ट और टेस्टी बेसन उत्तपम बनाने का तरीका , uttapam uttapam recipe ,besan uttapam recipe , breakfast recipe, nashta recipe, healthy breakfast, healthy nas...